The Pollen
The Great Pollen Nation
The Pollen Nation
Earth's great "pollen nation" is the scope of winged and terrestrial insects, birds, bats, small mammals, lizards, and other animals that have evolved with flowering plants throughout history.
Aside from of a small percentage of plant species on Earth that are wind pollinated, it is these animals who support life in ecosystems and on farms - via the exchange of pollen and sometimes seeds - throughout the world.
These pollinators are responsible for the proliferation of plants in forests, deserts, prairies, farmlands, coastlines, riparian zones and other regions - providing habitat and forage, carbon sinks, soil stabilization, soil creation and more. Additionally, many of these animals themselves are both prey and predator.
These extraordinary animals are our direct link to the benefits of nature. The cornerstones of ecosystems and economies based upon them, their losses are ours. Responsible for the most nutrient dense foods on Earth - fruits, vegetables and nuts - they are the reason humans have evolved to the degree we have, today. We must acknowledge that, if they go, we go.
Work to preserve the pollen nation.
Bee aware. Bee proactive. Bee heroic.
Big Bad G's
Geoengineering, 5G, and GMO's/bio-engineered crops and animals, are the greatest threats to our great pollen nation, and Earth, today.
These relatively unknown factors in pollinator losses and ecosystem collapse are relatively new technologies in human history, but their impacts are driving the current mass extinction event.
Genetically modified crops/plants, insects, viruses, microbes and other life are wreaking havoc on Earth's natural systems. The chemicals used in this type of agriculture/tech are deadly to natural microbes, plants and pollinators.
Geoengineering/Climate Engineering is the single largest factor in climate "change". The technologies utilized in this industry have grave impacts on our great pollen nation.
5G/5th generation cellular technologies will blanket the Earth in an electrosmog inescapable by pollinators. This ultra high frequency technology is driven by the telecom industry and must be stopped if we wish to have safe plants to eat and pollinators to ensure food economies.
M-ass Distraction
Earth is in the throes of the Sixth Great Mass Extinction in it's history; the first, to occur due to a single species conscious of it's contribution to the event: Humans.
Mass extinctions are events where natural rates of plant and animal species losses are exponentially larger. Losses in our current event are about 200-300 species of plants and animals each day.
Mainstream Media
Most people in the US have little to not idea that we are experiencing an extinction level event because many do not look beyond mainstream media (MSM). MSM has been consolidated over recent decades and is controlled through only a handful of corporations. These corporations are funded by the very industries who create many of the dangerous products and services driving the current extinction event. It behooves them to keep consumers distracted/misdirected with benign reality shows, politics, "professional" sports, and movies.
Bees say, "See the grey."
Psychologically, grey (beige and taupe) induces lethargy, depression, apathy and sadness. Yet, these are the predominant colors in today's television shows, news, sports and more.
Bee screen free. Look up. Bee heroic.
Preservation of the Pollen Nation
Conscious Consumerism
Bee Supportive
Lifelong Consumerism
Humans - especially Americans -today, differ from other humans throughout history. With access to global products and services, we have become a society of relatively unaware consumers. From before we're born, until long after we die, we consume resources (products), often leaving a wake of toxic pollutants, garbage, and devastation in our wake.
Why Do We Buy?
People purchase things for a variety of reasons: want, need, told we need, etc.. Advertising is a multi- billion dollar industry; yet, few parents today discuss issues surrounding purchases with their children. This has led us to become the most environmentally and socially destructive species on Earth.
The Three R's
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
Though the three words in this phrase were written in this order specifically to provide their environmental value, most people today focus on the third: Recycle. It behooves business in conventional capitalism to create products that need repetitive purchasing. So companies (and even entire industries) create and promote products that are "recyclable". Reduce or "reduction" of purchasing is the best way to be sustainable, after that, reuse of, or repurposing, is best. And finally if no other option is available, recycling.
Triple Bottom Line
"Triple Bottom Line", "3P" (People/Planet/Profit), or green/eco-friendly consumerism takes into account sustainable capitalism. The three lines include profit, but also include: human and animal welfare, and ecosystem health, protection, and support.
Bee a Conscious Consumer
Conscious consumerism is being thoughtful of how the products and services you purchase impact people and the environment; and being proactive in your choices of these.
Everything we do each day, from what we eat, what we wear, drive, how we choose to recreate, our holiday practices and more, all have impacts on the environment, animals, people, and ourselves.
Impacts on our consumer choices are either positive, negative, or neutral in regard to the environment and society. Bee proactive. Bee a conscious consumer. Bee heroic.
Pollinator Friendly Plant List
Garden Management - Xerces
Bee Extinction Rates
How to Make a Bee Bath
Hummingbird - Friendly Yards
Bat Pollinators
9 Non-Bee Pollinators
Keep the Honey in the Hive
Plant for Pollinators
Planting for pollinators is one of the best ways we can support the great pollen nation. Organic garden centers provide everything from organic soils, seeds and plants, to drip irrigation and more.
Planting native and supplemental heirloom flowers, trees, fruits, vegetables, vines, and other plants will allow your garden to provide a healthy variety of forage. Most organic garden centers also have consultants who can show you how to find plants that will bloom year
round for better pollinator support.
Hydration for the Pollen Nation
Geoengineering and drought has lowered global relative humidity (RH) levels so drastically that in many areas, morning dew (water) formation no longer occurs. This water source - which supports everything from microbial plant and soil communities, to pollinators - is becoming more depleted each day.
This loss causes winged and terrestrial insects, small birds, snails, lizards, bats and other pollinators distress in that they must now search for water elsewhere or remain close enough to a steady source, to survive.
Build a Bee Bath
We can all help keep our bees, birds, butterflies, beetles, bats, and other pollinators happy and hydrated by providing safe, shallow, fresh water oasis in our yards, gardens, on our porches and other places we can access every few days.
Bee-ing Umm... Not So Helpful
There are plenty of ways to help and lots of well-meaning people, but these two don't always meet.
Backyard Bee-Keeping:
This is one of the biggest mistakes "bee friendly" folks make. Honeybees are livestock and it takes years to learn about them. Backyard beekeepers often do more harm than good.
Hey Honey:
Honey is a honeybee's winter food source. It is filled with enzymes, proteins, micronutrients and more. When we steal it from the hive and replace it with simple sugar because we want to sweeten our tea, or "alleviate our allergies", we are simply harming them. Bee pollen is another food these amazing insects have evolved with for a hundred million years, we must let them keep that as well.